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Membership management
Membership management
16 articles
Why was my membership renewed?Discover why your Female Invest membership was automatically renewed and learn how to manage your membership effectively.
How to request a refund for a membershipLearn how to request a refund for your Female Invest membership, whether purchased through our website or app stores.
How do I cancel my membership?Learn how to cancel your Female Invest membership, whether you subscribed through our website or the app.
Will my membership automatically renew?Learn more about the automatically renewal of your membership and what it means for your ongoing financial education journey.
Do I have access for the remaining period if I cancel my membership now?Learn how cancelling your Female Invest membership still allows you full platform access for the duration of your current membership period.
How to download an invoice copy?Discover the simple steps to download a copy of your invoice from Female Invest, directly from your account page.
How to request a refund if you have been billed twiceFind out how to resolve double billing issues with Female Invest by verifying your membership and contacting Team Happiness for a refund.
Should I read the first book before the second book?Learn how 'Girls Just Wanna Have Impact Funds' stands as a comprehensive guide on sustainable investing even without reading the first book.
I get an error when cancelling my membership?Find out how to easily resolve issues when cancelling your Female Invest membership by contacting Team Happiness for immediate assistance.
Pausing a membershipDiscover the easy steps to temporarily pause your Female Invest membership and how to provide feedback to enhance our services
Discount is not applying on membershipResolve issues with applying a discount on your Female Invest membership by ensuring the correct code is used and accurately spelled
Encountering errors when attempting to purchase a membershipResolve any issues encountered while purchasing a Female Invest membership by reaching out to Team Happiness for prompt assistance
How to become a member of Female InvestDiscover how to easily join Female Invest by following simple steps on our website and exploring the benefits on our 'Memberships' page
Updating credit card details on the Female Invest websiteUpdate your credit card details for your Female Invest membership by following steps in your account settings, ensuring seamless renewals
The difference between deleting an account and cancelling a membershipUnderstand the key differences between deleting your account and cancelling your membership at Female Invest.
Steps to take to reactivate a membershipFind out how to easily reactivate your Female Invest membership via your account page and how to get in touch with Team Happiness for help.