Managing Your Email Preferences with Female Invest
While we strive to keep you informed and engaged with the latest news, offers, and developments at Female Invest, we understand the need for personalising your email preferences. Here's how you can easily unsubscribe from our mailing list.
Steps to Unsubscribe
Find an Email from Us: Open the last email you received from us.
Scroll to the Bottom: Go to the bottom of the message. You will see an ‘Unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of the email.
Confirm Your Choices: Clicking this link will take you to a cancellation page. Here, select ‘Unsubscribe from all’ to stop receiving emails from us.
Your Choice Matters to Us
We respect your decision to manage your inbox. Unsubscribing means you'll miss out on updates, but you can always revisit your decision and re-subscribe in the future if you wish.
Remember: Unsubscribing from our emails will not affect your membership status or access to our platform.
At Female Invest, we aim to provide valuable content through our emails, but we also respect your preferences and privacy. If you decide to unsubscribe, we hope to still support you on your financial journey through our platform and community.